Nose Drops and Nasal Irrigation System

Beside nose drops which are the oldest way to intake a medicine directly into sinuses, there are also several types of the gadgets used for nasal irrigation. Some of them have been designed to provide all-natural relief from allergies and sinus congestion - without drugs! One such device, worthy of our attention is the Naväge Nose Cleaner. This is the world’s only nose cleaner with powered suction to flush out allergens, mucus, dust, and germs. This system will do the job by itself perfectly, many people still don't know how to use regular nose drops in a proper way. If you are one of them, here are short instructions:
How to Use Nose Drops
1. Blow your nose gently, so that it is clear.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Unscrew the top of the bottle and draw some liquid into the dropper.
4. Tilt your head back.
5. Hold the dropper just above your nose and put the correct number of drops into your nostril.
6. DO NOT let the dropper touch the inside of your nose.
7. Keep your head tilted back for two to three minutes to help the drops run to the back of your nose.
8. Replace the top on the bottle.
Store your nose drops in a cool, dry place.
DO NOT use your nose-drops more often or for longer than you have been told. Some nose-drops must only be used for a short time and will stop working if used for too long.
If you are putting the drops into a childs nose, it may be easier to make the child lie across your knee with his head hanging down.
When you have finished your course of treatment, throw any leftover drops away, or return them to your pharmacist for disposal.

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