Alternative Medicine
Below you'll find information about several different types of alternative medicines and therapies. Here are listed some of the most popular natural treatments for good health, taht actually work. We daily track events all over the world (news briefings, researches, programs, resources) to be up to date what happens in the field of homeopathy, hypnosis, mind control and other natural healing methods, cures and remedies. There are many different ways you can heal yourself without pharmaceuticals. it depends on your overall health condition, the issues that you want to solve, and very often from the level of your spirituality. Find a topic of you interest and click the arrow to open its sub-menu:
Effective Self-Hypnosis Techniques: The list of self-hypnosis sessions in mp3 format.
Homeopathy: A non-toxic medical system that has been used worldwide for the treatment and relief of countless health conditions, for more than a hundred years. Here you'll find a list of pure homaopathic remedies and mixtures used to treat many health conditions.
Learn about Biofeedback
Biofeedback Therapy - How does it work.
Biofeedback equipment and machines for home use: The most popuilar units
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