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Problems with obesity, depression, diabetes, allergy, sexual dysfunction? Or... you just care about your health, skin, face, hair... ? Are you searching for information about vitamins, minerals, supplements or fitness equipment? You are on the right place - welcome to BigHealth.net
Health & Fitness Topics
ALLERGIES: What is Allergy? What Is An Allergen? Allergy Symptoms...
ANXIETY: Anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as trembling, shaking, muscle aches, restlessness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, sweating, and clammy hands...
CHOLESTEROL: What is Cholesterol? What is Total Cholsterol? What is High Cholesterol?
DEPRESSION: Life is filled with a variety of experiences. Depending on life circumstances it is quite appropriate to feel any of a number of positive and negative emotions.
DIABETES: Simply put, diabetes is a serious disease that impairs the body's ability to use food properly.
FLU / INFLUENZA: Learning the facts about flu is the first step toward protecting yourself.
OBESITY: Being obese and being overweighted is not the same thing
PHOBIAS: Phobias occur in several forms...
SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS: Learn about sexual dysfunctions: Hypoactive sexual desire disorder, female orgasmic disorder, sexual desire disorder, impotence... causes, reduce, enhance, treatments...
HOMEOPATHY: A non-toxic medical system that has been used worldwide for the treatment and relief of countless health conditions, for more than a hundred years.
BIOFEEDBACK: Discover your body's natural ability to counteract the negative effects of stress: Biofeedback uses your mind to control your body.
SELF-HYPNOSIS: Similarly to hypnosis when you are a guided by hypnotherapist, a self-hypnosis session has been crafted by hypnotherapist and recorded in mp3 format so you can listen to it as needed.
GONG FU: Gong Fu trainning devoted to improve and preserve the practitioner's health. It deals with one's emotion and physique training mainly...
After years of expereince in Fitness, Yoga and Pilates, accepting our visitors suggestions, we organized this fitness section, where you can find information about everything regarding to Fitness. It includes various equipment reviews, workouts sorted by fitness zones, supplements reveal, dozens of useful articles, etc.
From stories about vitamin history, to in-deapth explanations on how each of the vitamins and minerals work in the body.
The cosmetics category is organized within three main sections, including: Skin care, Face care, and Hair care.
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"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"
- World Health Organization