Homeopathic Arnica

Arnica Montana

For the temporoary relief of minor muscle or joint aches and pain; strains, sprains, bruises, backache or over-exertion.

Homeopathic Arnica

homeopathic arnica

Applied to the skin as a cream, lotion, gel, oil, ointment, liniment, salve, or tincture, arnica is especially suited to cases when any injury, however remote, seems to have caused the present trouble. It has been used to soothe muscle aches, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds.


According to some research, when used topically in a cream, gel or lotion, Arnica was found to have the same effect as compared to using an ibuprofen gel in treating the symptoms of hand osteoarthritis. Homeopaths consider using Arnica for injuries such as sprains and bruising.


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